FSN Teens
7th through 12th Grade
FSN Teens aims to be a welcoming community where students grow in their faith and build meaningful relationships. We inspire students to Encounter God daily, Pursue Jesus together, and Make an impact in their community now! We hope your student can be connected with our student ministry!


Sunday Mornings
On Sundays we join the whole church for Sunday morning services at 8, 9:30, or 11AM. We aim to Encounter God all together and grow in our faith.
Wednesday Night Youth Group
Join us weekly for Wednesday Night Group where we play games, have dinner, worship, a short message, and small groups. Youthgroup is from 6:30 - 8pm, and the doors open at 6pm.
Donuts & Devos
Our Highschool students are invited to join us to start their fridays with a free Donut and a quick devotional at Common Ground. Every friday if there is school at 7:15am.
Special Events
From trips and lock-ins to activity days, we love making memories and growing together in faith and community. Whether adventuring or hanging out, we focus on fun and authentic connections.

We know that larger trips can be hard to work around whether it be financially or on the calendar. Here you will find our larger trip details to help you plan for your family accordingly!

52 Weeks: Parenting Insights

We want to introduce ideas and/or topics of discussion each Saturday for you, your spouse, and your whole family! Follow along with this blog that is posted every Saturday at 10:00am!

Nick Sprague
  • Youth Pastor